The College Solution is Back!

After being knocked out for about 30 hours, my college blog is back online!
I still am not sure what happened, but the host shut down my site after discovering what it termed “excessive activity.” This activity wasn’t coming from me. Someone might have been trying to break into my blog via WordPress and the host shut the whole thing down.
Since yesterday I have switched my blog to a new host and I also have a new webmaster. The site is still experiencing some weird glitches, but I’m getting those resolved. I was a nervous wreck since yesterday morning, but I am happy that this is behind me. I think we’ll open a bottle of champagne that I got as a Christmas gift tonight to celebrate.
Thanks for your patience and I will be back to posting my regular college missives soon!
Lynn O’Shaughnessy is the author of The College Solution, an Amazon bestseller and a workbook, Shrinking the Cost of College: 152 Ways to Cut the Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree. Follow her on Twitter.

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